
Monday, December 28, 2015

Owen - 7 Months

So much has happened in the past month!

Owen has started crawling, celebrated his first Thanksgiving, tried solid food, and gotten his first tooth all within the past four weeks. It has been crazy!

Owen weighs right at 18 pounds and is 28 inches long. That makes him tall and skinny currently.

On Thanksgiving Day he started crawling. Both of my parents and Cody and I were there to witness the first real scoot along the floor at my Grandma's house. Oddly enough, I accidentally coaxed Owen into crawling by setting my phone a few feet out in front of him and saying, "If you want that phone so bad, go get it." Sure enough, homeboy crawled to that phone. Now he can crawl all over this house. He likes being able to independently do his best at sticking his hands in the dog food bowls and their water dish. He also manages to crawl directly into things like walls and table legs so we have had to watch him closely. At this point, he has only perfected an army crawl on his belly, but in the past week he seems to be figuring out how to balance himself on his knees and hands.

He does love all things technological (phones, iPads, computers, televisions). We try to avoid them as much as possible but a lot of the time it feels like a losing battle. He also likes blocks and anything he can put in his mouth. He plays all of the time now, which has made the whole parenting thing a lot more fun.

We started solid foods this month. We started with bananas and proceeded from there to avocados and sweet potatoes. He was sort of unimpressed at the beginning of the food process but seems like he is getting more interested all the time.

We went to Dallas this month for Cody's business Christmas party. Owen did fine. Sleeping in bed with us actually makes travelling easier it seems. We didn't get to eat all of our normal stuff because of Owen's allergy issues, but we had fun nonetheless.

Owen also got his first tooth (and second soon thereafter) this month. It has been an exciting few weeks for our little man.

In the hotel room in Dallas before Cody's Christmas party. December 5th.
Looking at the lights on the Square in Fayetteville.
Bath time has become a real hit.
Cody and Owen watching an Adele video...and singing.
Owen tearing up the paper at his 6 month doctor's visit.
The faces of Owen as he peeks over a shoulder are priceless.