Owen is one! He is 32 inches tall and weighs 22 pounds.
I spent countless hours making this chalkboard to commemorate who Owen is as a freshly turned one year old.
This guy has had a big month. First of all, he learned to walk. On May 20th, he took his first consecutive steps. He took a few steps to get to Cody and then took almost ten to get to me. He laughed like maniac the entire time.
We took this video at Harley's (Owen's second cousin) birthday party.
Besides walking, Owen can also say "mama" and "dada." Mama is almost always "ah-bah" to him. He gets closer to dada although he often leaves off the first d sound and says "ah-dah."
Owen has really started expressing his love for dogs. He squeals and points every time he sees or hears one. Our dogs are still pretty indifferent toward him, but he loves them nonetheless. He also really likes walking outside to see our neighbor dog Riot through the fence.
Owen throws his paci out of his mouth when he is excited to nurse. It's a hoot. He has also started eating food a lot more in the past month. He eats all kinds of things. He primarily feeds himself with his hands. He also loves drinking water out of his cup or out of a straw when we let him.
Owen has started handing us different books that he wants to read. His favorites are Ten Little Ladybugs, I Love You Through and Through and Pat the Bunny.
Owen likes fake coughing if someone will cough back at him. He likes handing us dog hair when he finds it on the floor. He likes vacuuming while Cody holds him in the mornings while I work out.
He does not like riding in the car much, especially if he has to be by himself in the back seat. He also doesn't like getting his teeth brushed.
Owen goes to sleep around 7 each night. He sleep in our bed for a few hours on his own each night before Cody and I go to sleep. He takes one good nap around 10a.m. every morning. In a perfect world he takes another nap before 4 in the afternoon but that doesn't always happen.
We're working one wearing shoes. |
This is in Target in Tulsa where we had to buy Owen a new shirt after he explosively pooped in The Cheesecake Factory and forced me to strip him naked and bathe him in the sink. The only extra shirt I had for him was a sweatshirt and it was 90 degrees outside. |
This is Owen in his new shirt that he wore to the Tulsa Zoo. |
This is what Owen gets to do when Poppy watches him while Cody and I are in Walmart. |
Early morning vacuuming. |
At the library one afternoon. |
Owen at the cousin birthday party. To Owen's left is Cason, Harley, and Brantley (all cousins). |
With Allie Kate. |
Noelle (Owen's girlfriend) and Donald Melissa came to visit to celebrate these babies' June birthdays. |
Owen and Mamaw. |
Always working on his hair game. |
Those eyelashes.