“Living in Your Letters” Dashboard Confessional
“Again I Go Unnoticed” Dashboard Confessional
“Sylvia Plath” Ryan Adams (this was just me singing mainly)
“Edge of Desire” John Mayer
“Why Georgia” John Mayer
The list could go on and on. Those are just the ones I remember from the haze of the night. We literally went through every song that we could think of that had any significance to us. After we got done signing songs, we decided to transition into theme songs from television shows we used to watch. We sang songs from Full House

Saved By the Bell

(okay, I was the only one who knew Saved By the Bell’s theme song; I have no idea how I ever married this kid)
Family Matters


Hey Arnold

Ahhh! Real Monsters

Hey Dude

Salute Your Shorts

…again, the list is too long for me to remember.
I had the best time with my husband last night. Laying in our bed singing songs and remembering some of the best times of our lives. Every time I hear Cody talk about his childhood I wish so badly that I could have been there with him. I wish we could have watched Full House together. Not as boyfriend and girlfriend, but as friends. I wish I knew Cody when he was wholeheartedly engulfed in episodes of Ninja Turtles. Also, at the same time, I appreciate that Cody and I are so close in age that we both understand the references to things of our past. I think it would be weird to be with someone who was much older (or younger). I take a lot of comfort in remembering the way things used to be. Somehow commonalities in our past make me feel closer to Cody today. It’s weird the way that works.
After we had sung all the songs we could sing and recounted all of the best TV shows of our lives, Cody and I found ourselves thinking about how one of these days not too long from now we will think back on last night. We will remember our bed with our two puppies as one of those places that defined us for just a minute. Just like we remember sitting in front of televisions each week to watch TGIF on ABC, we will remember just me and him in our first house with our first dogs. Just us. No kids. No responsibilities to speak of. We will remember last night just like we remember TV shows of our childhood. Cody said it best when he noted that one day, “This will be our place.” The place we remember with a smile on our face, and a recognition that only Cody and I share with one another. As I get older, I not only take comfort in the good times of the past, but I also take comfort in the good times that I know will come in the future. I look forward to many more nights with Cody (and my baby dogs) in our bed. I take comfort in it right now, and I will one day remember it fondly. Just like Saved By the Bell.
And you're welcome for the pictures of Zack Morris and AC Slater with a mullet. Some things never get old.
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