
Monday, October 26, 2015

Owen - 5 Months

Owen is five months old and more fun than ever. I think I am continually loving this kid more and more with each passing day. That is bound to level out at some point.

A few things to remember about Owen at five months old: he weighs around 16 pounds. We went to his four month appointment on October 12th and he weighed 15.12 lbs and was 27 inches long. He seems to be perfectly healthy. We are still working through the dairy and soy issues. Other than that though, Owen seems to be perfectly healthy. I have started giving him a probiotic to hopefully help some of his food sensitivities. 

Owen is a really content kid. He rarely cries. Every once in a while he seems to get scared by something and really cry. Other than that, he fusses to let us know when he needs something and immediately stops when we get him what he wants. He is still exclusively breastfed. He nurses on and off day and night, and I love every minute of it. 

Owen still loves his feet. He drools all the time and sucks on his fingers and hands continuously. He is becoming much more active. He rolls from his back to his stomach all the time now. On occasion he manages to get from his stomach to his back, but he is still working to perfect that move. He still likes all his toys. We bought him a bouncer that hangs from a doorway this month. He will use it, although I'm not sure he gets exactly what is supposed to be happening quite yet. 

He has started doing a lot of really cute things. He laughs on a regular basis now, although we try to limit the laughing because he almost always gets the hiccups. He buries his head against your shoulder or in his hands if you make eye contact with him at the right time, which is the cutest thing ever. He still "talks" to us most mornings when we wake up. We contend that he is telling us about his dreams. 

He now sleeps in our bed all night long. He is usually asleep by 10 and wakes up around 8 or 9 each morning. He does rustle throughout the night but generally will go back to sleep immediately if I nurse him. Cody and I are both on board with him being in our bed. We realize we may be setting ourselves up for a disaster as he gets older, but there is something undeniably sweet about your baby sleeping next to you. We often times come back to how fleeting Owen wanting to sleep in our bed will be. The kid will be in junior high before we know it and none of us will want him in our bed. 

We visited the Pumpkin Patch this month with the Kratzberg's. Owen slept through most of the outing, but did manage to wake toward the end to pick out a pumpkin. We went to Little Rock this month to buy some workout equipment for Cody. We also went to War Eagle and leaf-looking around the Buffalo River with my parents. We stayed overnight in Eureka Springs for the first time away from home when we went looking at leaves. Owen did great. 

We still regularly check out books from the library. We read books everyday, another activity I really like. 

Owen rolled off of the couch one afternoon. Cody was with him while I was at the store. Cody was traumatized when I got home. Owen seemed fine, but we did rethink napping accommodations. 

Life is good with Owen in it. In some ways my life is sort of crumbling around me, but I kind of feel like I have a wall built to protect Owen and me. I refuse to react to life the way I used to. I am devoted to soaking in as much of Owen being a baby as I can without letting anything stand in the way. I love not working. I wish I could manage not to work until he is in school. I love being a parent. I think I knew I would, but it was a significant transition to get to this point. Cody and I are so happy to have this little boy.

A family photo with the pumpkin of Owen's dreams. 
At the Pumpkin Patch. By the way, this was the first time Owen ever wore shoes. 
This is our bouncer seat that Owen just sort of hangs (literally) in. 

Sleeping babies. 
At War Eagle, Poppy (my dad) held Owen under a shade tree while my mom and I shopped. 

Playing in the yard while Cody and I planted some bushes.

One Saturday before the Farmer's Market. 

Owen and I laid in our backyard one afternoon on this blanket.
We read books and looked up at the trees and watched the dogs play. 

At Spider Creek. First overnight adventure. 

The Dinky Dragon

All the kids at Halloween at the Kratzberg's. Owen was not too happy. 

On Halloween day at Chickfila in our Halloween pajamas. 

Playing with Poppy...and napkins. 

The Prater men. 

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