Owen (A.K.A. Dellsy, Desmond, Odell, Doosy) weighs 20.8 lbs. and is 30 inches long according to his most recent doctor's appointment on March 31st.
The weather has turned warmer in the past month so we have spent time outside as much as possible. Owen celebrated his first Easter. He took pictures with a live bunny to commemorate the holiday. He also went to Little Rock with his parents and his Nana for a JO volleyball tournament.
He got his third bottom tooth on March 7th, and we think he is working on getting another. All together he currently has five teeth.
Cody and I went to watch Justin Bieber in Tulsa a couple of days ago. Owen's Poppy and his aunt Sandy kept him from around 5p.m. until about 1a.m. It's the longest we have been away from him yet. His babysitters claimed he was very well behaved. His parents had a great time in Tulsa.
Owen is still very active. He is not walking but can cruise along most anything and has started being interested in climbing. He smiles all the time, but also has started communicating some demands by grunting at us. It's cute at this point, but I see how it could start to annoy his mama eventually. He is not saying any words that have meaning to him, but he "talks" all the time.
He loves spaghetti, apple sauce, and his maple flavored puffs. Recently, he has shown more interest in solid food, but certainly still nurses...all the time.
Some pictures from the past month:
Some of our photos for Easter. Owen was mostly gentle with the bunny. |
On his way to celebrate Poppy's birthday. |
Playing in the park with Dad. |
Swinging and sleeping on the porch. |
Bath time. Sometime he loves it. Sometimes he hates it. |
In Little Rock at his gymnastics class while I was coaching. Owen seemed to have a good time although seemed a little overwhelmed at times. He definitely liked hanging on the equipment and walking on the beam. |
We also had to visit the Easter bunny at the mall. I was terrified of him, but Owen handled it like a champ. |
Easter morning with his first of three baskets. |
Grocery shopping. |
I got caught up in Pinterest one afternoon and attempted some rice cereal paint. Owen hated it. He apparently is not a fan of getting messy. |
Hanging out with the Kratzberg girls and licking all their toys. |
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