Owen is fifteen months old. He weighs around 25 pounds and is 33 inches tall. He has 12 teeth now (our first dentist appointment in August was a success) and wears a size 6 shoe.
These past three months have changed Owen so much both physically and developmentally. He very much seems like a little boy, rather than a baby now.
He is a pro at walking these days. He can climb onto the recliners now and has figured out how to back off of furniture without falling. He likes to "dance" by wagging an extended pointer finger and nodding his head up and down. He does "hot feet" when we ask him to, which equates to him picking his feet up and down.
Owen now eats three meals a day, although sometimes he's not that interested in the food. He loves black beans, spaghetti, bananas, animal cookies, bread, crackers, blueberries, and most everything we give him. He is not a picky eater at this point. He still nurses pretty often, although certainly less than before the uptake in food consumption. He still sleeps with us, and he still wakes up multiple times a night but will go right back to sleep if I'll nurse him. He usually goes to sleep around 8:30, wakes up around 8:00a,m., and takes one nap around 1:00p.m.
He can say "mama," "ada" (for daddy), "baby," "no, no, no, no, no" (because Cody and I tell him that all the time) and "night, night, night" when it's time for a nap or bed. He waves, blows kisses, signs "more" and shakes his "no." He moos when asked about a cow and sometimes makes a whimpering sound which he thinks is dogs barking. When we ask for kisses, Owen will lay his forehead against your lips. On occasion, he will actually kiss your mouth when you ask him. When you ask him to hug the dogs, he will drape an arm across their back (mainly Felina because she's the only dog that lets him) and lay his head on them.
Owen can point to his eyes, nose, ears, bellybutton, toes, arms, fingers, teeth...you get the picture.
Owen loves to play in the pantry. He managed to escape from the house recently by simply opening the door to the garage and walking out. That was terrifying.
Owen rode on his first airplane at the end of July to go to Seattle to see his Uncle Jared. He did so well on all of the flights. He explored a new city with Poppy and Jared and saw Mount Rainier National Park. The trip was much more of a success than Cody and I expected.
We spend our days going to story time at the library, taking walks, and playing at the park. Owen loves to read books and play in cabinets. He's always on the go. He's healthy and happy and Cody and I are both so grateful for him.
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