
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We Got Engaged

Update: Katy Schrodt and Cody Prater are engaged after close to five years worth of traditional, yet oh so unconventional courtship.

In the past three days I have repeated the story of how we got engaged close to 76 times. With each retelling of the story, my engagement magic slowly loses some of its shine. I realized that I may as well jump into wedding planning feet first (or is it head first?) and create a blog to capture all of the wonderful (note the sarcasm) moments ahead of us. To begin, I will give a brief reenactment of the past five years with Cody Wayne Prater. It all began with a less than noteworthy meeting in the courtyard of Sebastian Commons. There was a few months of both of us pretending not to be interested in the other, followed by a slow moving dating period that eventually led to an "official" relationship beginning on March 1, 2005 (technically we only chose March 1st to allow for an easier remembrance of our anniversary). Cody and I are crazy together. I think we are somewhat unique in the way we interact and yet perfectly right at the same time.

On October 31, 2009 (It may have actually been November 1st. We are uncertain how Daylight Saving Time effects an engagement) Cody and I went to Wells Lake for an "adventure," according to Cody. It was very late at night and quite chilly. I was somewhat agitated at the late night hours and cool temperatures. I was nagging Cody that an "adventure" technically entailed a new place, which Wells Lake certainly was not for Cody and me. Nonetheless, we weathered the cold and the duck poop and the profanity-ridden mouths of the group of people across the lake to walk around long enough for Cody to propose to me. Cody wore a tightly zipped up coat and windsuit pants that cleverly covered a suit underneath. He offered me his coat numerous times (I always turned him down.) before he finally began undressing himself. There was a bent knee proposal along with a fluster of emotions and tears (mostly Cody) and words that I still do not remember clearly. All I know for certain is that when we left the familiar Wells Lake on October 31st or perhaps November 1st, we certainly had embarked on a new "adventure."

I never was a dreamer. I have not spent the better part of my 23 years of life envisioning my wedding day. I do not have the majority of my wedding planned. Honestly, I have never really cared a whole lot about my wedding day. Needless to say, the past 3 days have thrown my somewhat indifferent wedding attitude into a win-at-all-cost wedding game plan. I want the best date and best dress and best flowers. I want the best ring (I really like the ring by the way.) and best reception and best ideas so that this wedding can live up to the time I have spent with the best guy.

I think we have narrowed it down to June 2010 on either the 12th or the 19th. I had not a clue the number of details involved in planning a wedding. Only a few days of this has been testimony for eloping! Nonetheless, I will spend the next 7 months of my life tirelessly trying to get this right, simply because I know no other way. I am glad to have good friends and family who I know will help greatly, and at the end of the day, I am so very excited to marry Cody Prater. Here's to an interesting few months and a memorable wedding...

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