Nonetheless, I have decided to really step out of the box and make a very bloggish post using pictures of our engagement and wedding experience. These are the few pictures that I took along the way. As you will see, they are very much indicative of Cody and me.
This is the first picture we took after we got engaged. It was probably around 2a.m. on November 1st. We were tired. I was overwhelmed. I was wearing a plaid shirt??? That night I went to bed and laid awake worrying about all of the stuff that had to be done now that I officially had a ring on my finger. I realize now I really had no idea what the wedding planning process would be like. This picture is literally of a different person than I am now. The girl in this picture seems like someone I knew a long time ago. Who knew planning a wedding would expediate the maturation process perhaps more than anything else in life? Goodness...
I took this picture on the way home from school one day. I was in Lavaca and volleyball was over. I had finally accepted the reality of being engaged and gotten past the initial "Holy crap!" I was happy. I was excited. I was (am) in love and I decided such a gorgeous ride home from Lavaca warranted me taking a picture of my own hand in my own side mirror. Very 12-year-old girlish if you ask me.

This is one of our engagement pictures we took along the way. I like this picture because it is fun. It's not so serious or lovey dovey or any of that junk. It's just us being us which was a refreshing change of pace in a wedding planning process that I felt like sometimes required too much molding to tradition and what everyone else does. And yes, I realize everyone takes a picture like this, but it still doesn't mean I can't like it.
These are three of my favorites. The first one is of us holding our marriage license as we walked out of the court house. The second is of Cody holding it in the Heisman pose. The last one is of me holding it in the triple threat position. This is Cody and I in a nutshell. We found ourselves laying on the concrete in front of the court house taking pictures of ourselves acting like annoying teenagers. It was good. I think we have both sort of found ourselves being more silly than normal throughout this process so as to reaffirm to each other (and ourselves) that marriage doesn't have to mean the end of being young or being kids in a lot of ways. We're still 23. We're still silly in love with each other. We still act like we did when we were 18. And I hope we are like this for many, many years. Adulthood can wait.
And finally, here we are with Phineas Gerald and Staley John. They have most definitely become our children. Cody and I have made a little family with these two pups fulfilling any sort of desire to have kids of our own. They are cute (probably cuter than any human children we could ever create) and they have been a challenge that I think Cody and I have both enjoyed for the most part. The picture is terrible and I cut off part of Cody's head, but I like it all the same. I like it because it has the guy that I love and the puppies that I adore all in the same place. I don't know what exactly I think about the past year of wedding craziness, but I know that I came out the other side with all of my favorite people intact and I know that I am happy about that.
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